If for any reason you are not fully satisfied with your purchase, you are able to make a return or exchange within 15 days of delivery. We offer free shipping for returns with a shipping value of $100 or more. For exchanges, we will cover the cost of shipping for returning the item and will provide free shipping for new the item being delivered to you so long as the shipping value is $100 or more. 

Upon the return of the item, there will be a quality inspection before it can be accepted for a refund or exchange.

Custom orders or orders with personal engraving are not eligible for return or exchange. However, depending on the item, can be eligible for store credit.

Fill out the Contact Form below to begin the Return/Exchange process. Please specify whether you are Returning or Exchanging along with the Item Number of the item you wish to Return/Exchange and the Order Number. Once we process the Return/Exchange, a representative will contact you via email with a shipping label.  

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